Home Insurance

Protect Your Home

Your house is one of your most important investments, so be sure to protect it with a homeowners insurance policy. Homeowners insurance protects you from damage to your home and your possessions, as well as things that can hurt you financially. This includes things like fire or weather damage to injury liability, theft and more. Because not everyone needs the same policy, find out what offerings are best for you by consulting with an FBIS team member.


Anyone can go online and purchase a policy, but that doesn’t mean they understand what they are buying. We educate you on the products, what the requirements are from an industry standpoint and how to appropriately address unique situations. You can come to us for advice, servicing issues or concerns, adding or changing policies or whatever else you need in the future.

Ready to get started?

Other Services

Car Insurance

We can insure for things such as liability, comprehensive damages, collision, roadside assistance and more.

Business Insurance

Coverage for things like from property damage, professional errors, workers compensation claims and more.

Life Insurance

Your family has a future; let us help you make sure they can continue with those plans in your absence.